Week Goals: Finish testing the new tiered HMM system and obtain results for accuracy of the new system. Begin writing our paper over the tiered system of HMMs.
Monday: Tested the new tiered system of HMMs, finished up final presentation for the weekly group meeting. Updated site to contain all relevant information gathered, and to display new abstracts corresponding to our two different papers.
Tuesday: Presented final weekly presentation at the group discussion. Met with coach, Aziz, and Ali over what to finish before our next meeting, as well as when to meet next. Obtained more results from the tiered system of HMMs on the NSL-KDD and Kyoto data sets. Began writing the paper over tiered system of HMMs
Wednesday: Worked on the NSL-KDD set to try to get better accuracy. Performed feature pruning on every set for our final attack detection system. Began writing paper #1/creating outline for the paper. Worked on writing the draft for paper #2 and finding all the sources necessary for the paper.
Thursday: Worked some in Matlab for gathering results. Worked more on both papers and began working on the poster for our exit poster presentation.
Friday: Finished first draft of the poster for the final presentation. Met with Coach over what to change/add in to the poster. Finished up the poster and continued work on the initial drafts of the research papers.